2 Words That Can Change Lives and Minds-You Matter

You Matter. How did you feel after reading that? How do you think that others would feel after having those two powerful words said to them? Tonight, we are going to talk about the impact that those two little words, “You Matter” can have on a person and ourselves.

We’re talking with Angela Maiers about “2 Words That Can Change Lives and Minds – You Matter” tonight on the #JustHaves Twitter Chat

Angela Maiers is an author, educator, and co-Founder of Choose2Matter. She holds a B.A. in Education and M.A. in Educational Supervision and Reading from The University of Iowa and has been creating and leading change in education and enterprise for 25 years.

Angela helps learners and leaders understand the transformative power of technology and the Internet. Her powerful message and down-to-earth style has made her a highly sought-after keynote speaker for education conferences, corporate events and innovation summits.

Here are a few of tonight’s #JustHaves talking points:

  • Why so many people feel like they are not enough.
  • Why self awareness is critical to the process of choosing to matter.
  • What we can do to show people they matter.
  • The correlation between mattering and performance.

Join us for the live “2 Words That Can Change Lives and Minds – You Matter” Twitter Chat with @AngelaMaiers – under the hashtag #JustHaves tonight at 8 pm EST!

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