By Crystal Richard

Behind every great celebrity or public figure, there is a publicist. Beyonce. Taylor Swift. Hillary Clinton. They all have publicists.

You know you’ve made it when you have one, but the reality is, many of us don’t have that luxury just yet. It doesn’t mean we’re not almost there and it doesn’t mean we’re not worthy of our own entourage.

We totally are.

Whether you have a fabulous blog or you’re simply conquering the world in your career — YOU are an amazing, talented, and intelligent human being with a ton of insight and charm to share with the world. While promoting yourself may seem like a 24/7 job — there are a few simple ways you can promote your brand and get your name out there on your own.

Here are my five go-to ways to be your own publicist — no matter how famous you are.


1) Book Interviews – It’s Time to Share Your Insight

Podcasts are super hot right now. In the wake of Serial’s popularity, everyone is listening to them and guess what? Podcasts in every industry are looking for guests. Why not share what you know with their listeners?

Identify several podcasts you could see yourself on. Prepare 3 to 5 topics you could speak to with ease that you feel their audience would love. Reach out to the podcast hosts (I promise they’re all friendly) and introduce yourself while expressing an interest in being a guest and sharing your topics. It’s really that easy.

Pro Tip: Once you land your first big interview, always make sure that you have a great internet connection, no background noise, and a reliable mic. There’s no excuse not to sound like a pro.

2) Book Your Publishing Deals – Share Your Words. Everywhere.

Bloggers figured this one out a long time ago, but in case you’re playing catch up — if you love writing, contribute your words everywhere. Writing great content for your own blog is important, but one of the best ways to extend your reach and get new followers is to write for other blogs too.

Find out if some of the blogs you love are looking for guest bloggers. If they are, put together a few post ideas they can’t say no to. If you’re in the position to offer their readers a giveaway, do it!

Pro Tip: If you’re just getting started, start small. Look for other bloggers on your level who are also trying to expand their readership. Once you’ve secured a few smaller opportunities, you’ll be on your way!

3) Book Your Speaking Gigs — It’s Time to Shine

There’s no time like the present to hit the road. Depending on your budget, start looking at ways you can do what you love and travel while doing it. Take in a conference and learn a thing or two to grow your brand. Enjoy public speaking? Book a speaking gig and take the stage.

While many conferences require you to cover your own expenses, there are many who will pay your way to attend and speak at their event. Prepare a beautiful media kit that demonstrates your experience and speaking history, and start pitching conference organizers.

Pro Tip: If money or lack of experience is an issue, start local. Even the smallest cities are becoming home to startup festivals and up and coming conferences. Get involved in your local scene and offer to step up as an MC or a speaker in a smaller panel or seminar.


4) Book Your Own Press Tour – Discover the Power of the Handshake

Technology is a wonderful thing and while we can easily meet new people every day from around the world, never underestimate the power of a handshake and some true face time (not the iPhone variety). Much like it’s important to attend conferences to learn new things and be inspired, it’s also important to attend them for networking purposes and to meet some of those familiar faces you’ve been tweeting with for the past year.

Whether you attend networking events in your own city or you take a road trip or flight to be part of a bloggers meet-up — it’s important you take advantage of quality time with your fellow bloggers and influencers.

Pro Tip: Have a big enough network? Organize your own blogger meet up in a fun city and get as many fellow bloggers involved as you can. Making waves with your own new company? Think about organizing a fireside chat or founders dinner.

5) Address the Press and Thank Your Fans

You! Yes I’m talking to you! You have fans — whether you realize it or not. If you’ve ever written a blog post, created a Twitter account, or made a Pinterest board: you have fans. I’ve always been a fangirl, following everything my favorite celebrities do and going to see their new movies far too many times in theatres.

We now live in a world where it’s totally normal to fangirl over fellow women doing awesome things. Dreaming of hanging out with our favorite lifestyle bloggers and Instagraming our day. Never forget that you have people online who look up to you too! No matter how busy you are, always take time to socialize on whatever social media platforms you call home. Respond and favorite tweets, like or comment on your followers’ Instagram accounts: just be engaged. The best way to keep your fans and followers, is to appreciate them.

Pro Tip: If you can, give back to your fans. Host a giveaway of one of your favorite products on your blog or offer to do a Q&A where you answer their burning questions. After all, if it weren’t for them, would you still be on this crazy blogging ride?

Whether you’re ready for the attention of the online world or not, remember to just have fun and keep doing what you love! Got your own DIY publicist trick? Leave a comment below!

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