
By Justine Santaniello

This week’s #JustHaves Twitter Chat is all about how to create organized spaces within your home. We’re talking to Bonnie Joy Dewkett @TheJoyfulorg on “How to Cut the Clutter-Organizing Your Home.”

Here are a few of our #JustHaves talking points:

• What’s the #1 area of our home that needs the most attention with organization?
• You talk about #organizing your bedroom to make it a sleep sanctuary. What are your top 3 tips?
• How do we stay on task with so many distractions at home?
• How do we make the most out of our small master closet?

A little more about Bonnie Joy Dewkett:

Bonnie Joy Dewkett, CPO® is a nationally recognized organizing expert, author, motivational speaker, and internet radio personality. She has been featured in Better Homes and Gardens, Good Housekeeping, Ladies Home Journal, The Huffington Post, Parents, and Woman’s Day.

Be sure to join us for the live “Cut the Clutter-Organizing Your Home” Twitter Chat – under the hashtag #JustHaves on August 19 at 8 pm EST! Hope to see you then!

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