How to Design a Healthy Life

Tonight’s #JustHaves Twitter Chat is on tips to Design a Healthy Lifestyle. We’re talking about “How to Design a Healthy Life with @BarbaraFicarra BarbaraFicarra.”

Barbara Ficarra, RN, BSN, MPA, is a registered nurse, lifestyle and HEALTH DESIGNER™, award-winning broadcast journalist, writer, international speaker, and health and lifestyle expert and she explores the intersection between interior design, health, tech and art. She is founder of a lifestyle destination site to help people design ways to live a happier, bolder, healthier and a more stylish life.

Barbara is also a leader in the health care industry and has dedicated her career to help people design and live healthier lives. She is a featured writer at Huffingtonpost and contributes to and is seen of FOX, ABC, NBC and CBS. Barbara is writing her first book and is in the process of creating a TV show.

Here are a few of #JustHaves talking points:

  • What does it mean to Design a Healthy Lifestyle?
  • What is the best way for someone to Design a Healthy Lifestyle?
  • What are 3 top design tips to Design a Healthy Lifestyle?
  • How important is your home to your health?
  • What’s the best design advice for someone who wants to live a healthy life?

Be sure to join us for the live “How to Design a Healthy Life” with BarbaraFicarra” Twitter Chat – under the hashtag #JustHaves tonight at 8 pm EST! Hope to see you then!

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