How to Utilize Digital Marketing to Grow Your Client Base

On tonight’s #JustHaves Twitter Chat, we’re going to discuss ways to grow our audience, build relationships and our client base. We’re talking about “How to Use Digital Marketing to Grow your Client Base” with Angela Ford.

Angela J. Ford is a Digital Marketing Strategist and Author of The Four Worlds Series. She is passionate about helping creative entrepreneurs achieve their business goals through Digital Marketing.

Here are a few of #JustHaves talking points:

  • How to get started with relationship marketing.
  • Tips to establish clarity in messaging.
  • How to get the attention of influencers.
  • Tips on using websites to attract clients.

Be sure to join us for the live “How to Use Digital Marketing to Grow your Client Base” Twitter Chat with @aford21 – under the hashtag #JustHaves tonight at 8 pm EST! See you then!

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