How to Put Together a Great Last Minute Halloween Costume

Halloween is less than two weeks away and if you are anything like me, you procrastinate on your costume every single year. All of that procrastinating has helped me become some sort of an expert at putting together awesome last minute Halloween costumes.

Follow the tips below to help you win “Best Costume” award at any party you attend this Halloween. Even though Halloween is scary, there should be no fear while putting together a last minute Halloween costume.

Tip #1 – Find Costume Inspiration

When I am trying to figure out creative and awesome costume ideas, I automatically hop on Pinterest and start my search there. A ton of fun ideas will pop up, which will hopefully inspire you.

If you do not find inspiration there, then read a couple of articles on great Halloween costume ideas, such as this one. Or consider asking your friends or family members for ideas on what to be.

After you decide on your costume or costumes, the next thing to do is figure out if this is a costume you can make yourself or if you need to purchase it.

Tip #2 – Get the Costume Base

If you need to purchase your costume, great places to start are PartyCity or The issues with purchasing costumes are that they may not be able to ship it to you in time and some shops run out of the most popular costumes.

Which is why sometimes it may be easier (and more unique) to create the Halloween costume yourself. For that, I would head to craft stores such as Michael’s and Jo-Ann’s. There you can find all the fabric and random items you may need to create your costume. Find DIY costume ideas that come with a breakdown of what you need to purchase and how to assemble it. This will save you time and frustration with trying to figure it all out on your own.

If you are not great at DIY projects, then enlist the help of your creative friends or family. This will also cut down on the amount of time you may spend putting it together, since you have assistance, and brainstorming with someone else will make the costume more unique.

Tip #3 – Add the Accessories

After you are well into creating the actual outfit, you then need to purchase accessories to go along with it. For all of your accessory needs try Charming Charlie, since they sell everything from cat ear headbands to masquerade masks to tiaras. You will be able to find something to go along with every costume.

For all of your Halloween sock needs, check out HotSox since they have cute sox that have anything from ghosts to pumpkins on them. This will ensure you are decked out from head to toe…literally.

Also, do not hesitate to dig through your jewelry boxes, closets, or even desk, to see if you can make-shift some of your accessories in order to save you time and money. You never know what you may find that could work for your costume. And consider asking friends or family members if they have some of the items you are looking for to accompany your costume.

If you are hosting your own Halloween party, be sure to pick up these party accessories as well. These special effects are all necessary to help make your party extra spooky—a Halloween must.

What are some ways you have successfully put together a last minute Halloween? What are your go to places to purchase costumes, accessories, and party supplies? Share with us in the comment section below!

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