Simple Steps for Achieving a More Balanced Life

Does your life feel like it needs more balance? Tuesday for our #JustHaves Chat,  we’re going to be talking with Alissa Carpenter @notokthatsok, who will be sharing her thoughts about career discovery and personal development on Simple Steps for Achieving a More Balanced Life”.

Alissa is a career discovery and personal development coach with over a decade of experience working in higher education,in addition to coaching individuals with life transitions.  She has an M.Ed in Social and Comparative Analysis in Education, is a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach, certified in the Strong Interest Inventory and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.  When she is not helping others achieve their goals, she enjoys spending quality time with her husband and two children.

Here are a few of #JustHaves talking points for tonight:

  • Why it’s important to take time for yourself
  • Advice for someone struggling to find balance in their life
  • What to do when you take on too much at work or at home
  • How to manage your time at work

Join the live “Simple Steps for Achieving a More Balanced Life  Twitter Chat with @notokthatsok– under the hashtag #JustHaves tonight at 8 pm.

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