Strategy tips for Entrepreneurial women

Are you a Female Founder looking to scale your business? Wednesday night on our #JustHaves Chat,  we’re going to be talking with Adrienne Graham @TalentDiva, who will be sharing “Strategy Tips for Entrepreneurial Women.”

Adrienne Graham is Entrepreneur, Growth Advisor and Mentor. Adrienne is founder of

Here are a few of #JustHaves talking points for Wednesday:

  • How to earn trust and build ongoing relationships in your market.
  • How to plan for growth.
  • The importance of networks and how to find the right one.
  • Advice to women entrepreneurs about their entrepreneurial journey.

Join the live “Strategy Tips for Entrepreneurial Women” Twitter Chat with @TalentDiva – under the hashtag #JustHaves Wednesday at 8 pm EST! Look forward to chatting with you!

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