turning the page on traditional book club

#JustHaves Twitter Chat on Wednesday, September 30 is all about creating a non-traditional book club. We’re talking to Pr Expert and Book Lover Lisa Crocco @LisaCroccoPr on “Turning the Page on the Traditional Book Club.”

Lisa Crocco is a public relations freelancer who can be found wandering the aisles of local bookstores or the streets of a new city. She was listed as one of “10 Freelancers to Watch from the CloudPeeps Community” and her writing has been featured on USAToday, Levo League, Lipstick & Politics, Chelsea Krost, JustHaves, as well as other websites. You check out her portfolio here.

Here are a few of #JustHaves talking points:

• Why should everyone be a member of a book club?

• What is the most important aspect of a successful book club?
• What sets a great, non-traditional book club apart from a more traditional book club?
• How can I utilize social networks for my book club?
• What are some quick tips on how to enhance my book club?

Be sure to join us for the live “Turning the Page on the Traditional Book Club” Twitter Chat – under the hashtag #JustHaves on September 30 at 8 pm EST! Hope to see you then!

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